Peace of mind

Mood Information Page
Peace of mind is an invaluable asset in today’s fast-paced and demanding world. It enables individuals to regain command over their thoughts, emotions, and overall well-being, enabling them to concentrate on what truly holds significance in their lives. However, due to the mounting pressures of modern living, attaining this essential state of tranquillity is becoming progressively challenging
  • How does the mind work?
  • Mood disorders: Causes
  • Mood disorders: Symptoms
  • Mood disorders: Small changes you can make
  • Ingredients that may help

Our mood suggestion

How does the mind work?

The brain is our body’s most complex organ. In the realm of the brain, numerous intricate structures collaborate to interpret the surrounding world. Working alongside hormones, neurochemicals, and electrical signals, the brain endeavours to comprehend and give meaning to the information received through our senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste.


Basal ganglia
Involved in motor control and motor learning


Ventral striatum
Vital for reward-related behaviour


Responsible for anxiety, emotion, and fear


Essential for memory and learning


Manages sensory perception and cognition


Controls hormone release for many essential functions


Crucial for movement and motor control


Regulates breathing, heart rate, and balance

Chemical imbalance and information overload
The delicate equilibrium of neurochemicals and brain signals can easily be disrupted, leading to disturbances in our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Whether triggered by external factors or underlying health conditions, it is no surprise that mental health practices have gained significant importance in today’s society.
In the face of life’s challenges ,
it is natural to encounter fluctuations in our mood. However, when emotional strain persists over time, it can pave the way for mood disorders to take hold. Some common examples include:
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

Mood disorders: Causes

Several risk factors influence our psychological well-being. The most common examples include:
A family history of mood disorders
Medical history
Underlying health conditions or a previous mood disorder diagnosis
Life events
Loss of a loved one and other significant life events
Physical state
Poor physical well-being
Medications that trigger instances of anxiety or depression
Brain function
Irregularities in brain structure or neurochemical imbalance

Mood disorders: Symptoms

The symptoms of different mood disorders can vary greatly from person to person. However, one commonality among these conditions is that if negative or anxious feelings are left unaddressed, they tend to worsen over time.
The good news is that recognizing and acknowledging mood-related symptoms is a significant step towards achieving the peace of mind one deserves. By being aware of these signs, individuals can take proactive measures to manage their mental well-being. Some common mood-related symptoms to watch out for include:
  • Muscle tension
  • Constant fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Loss of interest in hobbies and social activities
  • A rise in risk-taking or obsessive behaviours
  • Reduced sexual desire
  • Sudden changes in appetite
  • Persistent feelings of worry
  • Increased agitation or irritability
  • Insomnia or disrupted sleep
  • Always feeling on edge
  • Unexplained mood swings

Mood disorders: Small changes you can make

Keep a journal

While it may be challenging to articulate your emotions, documenting your worries or concerns can provide valuable insights. By noting down how you felt, your behavioural responses, and the strategies you employed to improve your well-being, you can identify patterns and gain a better understanding of the root causes.

unfinished tasks

Having unfinished tasks lingering in our minds serves as a constant reminder of what we have yet to accomplish, overshadowing our achievements. However, experiencing the satisfaction of completing even small tasks can have a remarkable impact on our mental well-being.

Set clear

By finishing tasks or activities that have been left incomplete, we can regain a sense of control and establish a greater state of calm. Setting achievable daily deadlines for small and straightforward tasks is an effective way to regain control over our circumstances and foster a sense of accomplishment

Clear your mind

Mindfulness is a powerful meditation technique that assists individuals in managing emotional and cognitive disruptions. It can be practised in short timeframes, such as five minutes, or longer durations, like five hours. Mindfulness involves various techniques, including focused breathing, guided imagery, and engaging in meditative activities like yoga or sports.

Talk to someone

While it may seem cliché, sharing your problems with others can alleviate their burden, especially when it comes to mood disorders. Seeking support doesn’t necessarily require professional help; don’t hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or individuals who can relate to mood-related challenges.

Disconnect from the situation

Allowing yourself distance from emotionally uncomfortable situations is crucial for your mind and body. Take the initiative to get up and engage in physical movement, as it aids in clearing your mind. Breathe in fresh air, giving yourself valuable time to gain perspective and a renewed sense of clarity
Ask for professional help
Allowing yourself distance from emotionally uncomfortable situations is crucial for your mind and body. Take the initiative to get up and engage in physical movement, as it aids in clearing your mind. Breathe in fresh air, giving yourself valuable time to gain perspective and a renewed sense of clarity.
Medication and supplements
A significant number of mood disorders are linked to chemical imbalances in the brain. where activities like keeping a diary or engaging in physical exercise may not help. In such cases, supplements and medications can play a crucial role in restoring the balance of essential neurochemicals. By doing so, they provide a level playing field, empowering individuals to regain control over their mental well-being.

Ingredients that may help

Cibdol products that contain cannabinoids are: CBD Oil.
Cibdol products that contain cannabinoids are: CBD Oil.
Cibdol supports your mood-related needs with a comprehensive range of natural supplements geared to promote complete peace of mind.

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